The crisis of water quality in Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) is characterized by two key problems. First, many communities, especially rural ones, face difficulties not only accessing safe drinking water but also accessing enough of it. Second, there are many difficulties in accessing sewage infrastructure and proper bathrooms, especially in urban areas. The issue is multi-faceted and impacts both urban and rural communities in different ways.

The water crisis in the Ivory Coast affects the nearly 1,000 students we serve at the elementary, middle, and high school in the rural city or Lakota.  Our students would benefit from the construction of three wells with pumping systems on campus because currently, they lack access to clean drinking water. There is currently no running water on campus.  Our school staff currently fetch water from a well that is located in a house in the nearby community. They then fill barrels in the restrooms and different locations on the school campus. The students use buckets to obtain water from the barrels to use in the restroom and to drink. This practice is unsanitary and poses a high risk of exposure of the students to water-borne pathogens. GAD’s goal is to construct three wells on campus for each school, each with an efficient pumping system and water filtration capabilities.

The construction of the wells on campus will also benefit an additional 684 parents and teachers of children enrolled at our elementary, middle, and high schools. The project will particularly benefit school-age girls since they will be able to attend school and receive a valuable education when they are no longer obligated to fetch water during the day. In addition, when clean water is available, students less likely miss school due to do poor sanitation and lack of drinking water.

GAD will also provide 1,000 beneficiaries (parents, teachers, and students) with water-related education on water purity, awareness, use, and conservation.


The world health organization (WHO) reported that 1.8 million people die every year from diarrheal disease; 90% of whom are children under the age of 5. 133 million people suffer from high intensity intestinal helminth infections (Ascariasis, Trichuriasis, Hookworm disease) which often leads to severe consequences such as cognitive impairment massive dysentery, or anemia. Improving health through investments in water supply and sanitation services has several immediate benefits for the economy but also delivers important long-term economic growth (WHO). THIS IS YOUR TIME TO SAVE LIVES. DONATE TODAY!


50 cents ($0.5) a day

3.75 dollars ($3.75) a week


89 cents ($0.89) a day

6.25 dollars ($6.25) a week


1.25 dollars ($1.25) a day

8.75 dollars ($8.75) a week